It was nice to meet some other new mamas. Of course, I'm not a "new" mama, but sometimes it feels like it! Since my breasts still seem to be infected, despite a lovely 7 day course of antibiotics (which I am opposed to, but sometimes you run out of options), I expressed a bit more to send of to be cultured before I start a 10 day course. Boo on breast infections! Staph and strep go away, don't come back EVER! Breastfeeding is hard enough as it is!
Adella weighed in at 8 pounds, 9 oz. Apparently her nonstop eating is really paying off! She is just about to outgrow her newborn clothes. I put on her strawberry sleeper (a.k.a. the clown suit) tonight, and could barely snap it. She still has all of her hair, and is most often making grumpy faces when she is awake. She seems a bit fussy, but not too bad. Eating is her favorite, and she makes sure to do so every two hours, at least. Her poor lips are looking bad still with nursing blisters covering them. Poor thing. They did a swab on those today too. She sleeps best on her tummy or me. Overall, she is doing really well, and looks like a very healthy baby!
Bria weighed in today at 8 pounds, 1 oz. She gives us a nice 5 hour stretch at night, as well as a couple of 3 hour stretches. She's not quite as nonstop at eating as her sister. Usually she's a very content baby with some cute little smiles. She sleeps best wrapped in a miracle blanket. Don calls her a glowworm in it. She loves her snuggles! If she is not right next to someone, she will scoot herself so she is. That girl has the biggest blowouts ever! Oh my, talk about being covered in poo! Good thing she is so cute!
I'm looking forward to smiles soon, and maybe a bit more sleep. I'm praying to not be such a grump with my family; to be a blessing. And I'm excited for summer, which is just around the corner!
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